Monday, March 16, 2009

cool interesting things I get to do :)

Tomorrow, Mira & I are going to visit an organization that works with children that live in the prisons with their families. This is one of Bolivia's most unique traits- here, when someone goes to jail their family has the option of coming too. It's crazy, and we get to get meet some of the children & hopefully go into the jails 4 a project that we're doing. SO cool!

I also went to the dentist today, & realized that 1. Bolivian anesthesia is ALOT weaker than American anesthesia, and 2. you CAN spend over an hour on one tooth if the cavity is knarly enough. And also that 3. (as i re-learn everyday) I really still don't speak Spanish. Daaang. 

However, I do sort of speak Spanish, which is much better than before I came, and I also get to look @ the Andes every day as the backdrop of all that I do, spend a lot of time playing in one of the coolest cities in the world, and experience the "eternal spring" of Cochabamba every day. So I have very little to complain about, really :). 

I still kind of detest boys, but I'm working on doing it in a more constructive way at least, haha. 

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