Saturday, February 28, 2009

pictures from La Paz trip a few weeks ago :)

Here's some pictures from awhile ago, a bit delayed but still pretty cool :). I love you!!

The ruins @ Tihuanacu- 

This is la puerta del sol- VERY sacred in Andean cosmovision. 

La Paz & El Alto :) -

This is a mural about the new constitution- to vote YES! 
dried lama fetuses.... part of a ritual in honor of the earth (Pachamama) called a k'oa. 

El Lago Titikaka & the sacred Isla del Sol-

This is of the sacred fountains I mentioned before :).

Carnaval!!! -

1 comment:

  1. Hailey! I miss you, these pictures are amazing, you are having such adventures!
