Sunday, April 12, 2009

pre-campo (maybe!) activities

1. finish alllll my millions of assignments (finish my CDS work journal, write my ISP proposal, human subjects form, logistical info sheet, baaaah). 
2. figure out HOW I finally just got my first flea bites. I'm not even en the campo yet, shit.
3. read as much as I can about community justice in bolivia and indigenous culture in the altiplano
4. buy a blanket & socks, and maybe another jacket? (it's going to be very cold!)
5. pacccccck, enough stuff 4 2-3 weeks!
6. buy my bus ticket for tomorrow @ 1PM (eek!)
7. make sure I have all my electronics that I'll need (phone, recorder & batteries, camera, & iPod) & that it's all charged
8. try not to worry about the fact that I have NO CLUE WHAT I'M DOING!!!
9. meet with my academic director tonight to talk details
10. go in the morning to turn in work/get my money 4 the trip/pick up some books I'll need to read
11. be realllllly excited because I'M LEAVING TOMORROW FOR A COMPLETELY UNKNOWN ADVENTURE, eeeeeee!!!!!!! :)

I'm not sure exactly when I'll be back, but it should be around May 1st (I'm coming back to Cochabamba to write my final paper). Then we have final presentations & such, then I come home, craaaaaaazy!!!!!!!!

I love you all, & I'll talk to you once I have access to technology again!

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