Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Things to Do Other Than E-mailing Natan

[which is what I really want to do, but know that I cannot]

1. read Isabel Allende [in Spanish!]
2. eat a delicious avocado that I bought from a street market
3. play with Andres & Andrea
4. watch "Under the Tuscan Sun," curled up in my bed
5. write postcards!
6. snuggle with my green stuffed frog [ahhmm... yes. it's true :P.]
7. write in my blog (I have so many beautiful pictures of the salares de uyuni to share!)
8. go to artisan market in la Cancha
9. chat with my host mama :)
10. make Spanish flashcards (GOD I need to)
11. go to the movies with a boy whose face I can't remember because I'd had so much beer when we met (oops :P!)
12. dream of the future (oh fall, I'm so excited for you!)
13. buy flowers for my room, preferably something that reminds me of sunshine :) 
14. remember all of the other people I love dearly this world <3
15. say my new mantra to myself (that I made up on the bus back from the salares, hehe :P): "I don't know what's going to happen, but I deserve big, deep beautiful love and I can live a big, deep beautiful life with or without him (and I already am!)." 
16. wear a necklace made of seeds
17. figure out my independent study project (eeeeeeek!!!)
18. listen to Rilo Kiley sing "Portions for Foxes"
19. remember that it will be fine, no matter what (sometimes it's hard to remember this)
20. remember that I am in BOLIVIA, where he is not. 
21. plan for the summer
22. go out to La Muela with friends (our favorite bar), or out dancing at La Pimienta
23. listen to my iPod while riding the bus into town, looking out over Cochabamba
24. go to Café Vivaldi and drink un café con hielo y azucar
25. read Sark or Sabrina Ward Harrison
26. smile 
27. buy mandarins on the street, and enjoy the contrast between the outside green & the inside orange :)
28. talk to Haley on skype
29. realize how much I've learned here, & how much I've grown
30. take a naaaaap!
31. love, and then love more & more & more (but in a MUCH bigger way than just him)
32. eat pasteries with creamy vanilla filling on the street (mmmm)
33. walk down the street with confidence, b/c I can navigate the city with confidence (yay!)
34. go to Casa Blanca and drink wine or eat a delicious pizza
35. show patience and kindness towards myself, even when I'm not doing the "right" thing or can't just "get over it." 
36. try to see my own beauty and light
37. take my vitamins daily (yes)
38. buy really cool things for my new apartment in the fall
39. call Eric
40. read about Bolivia, & learn about recent land reform
41. live with my eyes wide open, and my heart full of love and appreciation for all around me, every single moment of every single day <3. 

Hmm.... guess I kind of have a lot of options. Who knew :P.